A busy weekend!

A busy weekend for me with Friday evening spent down at Glasgow Tiso working for Stuart Johnston's Climbmts scrambling workshop. After a night at my Mum's in Bo'ness, I headed up to to Aberfeldy to meet with Julie, Stephen, Ronnie and Caroline where we had a pleasant day in the shelter of Schiehallion looking at useful ropework for scrambling. The weather was kind, pleasantly warm and dry. No photos, I forgot the camera!
After another night at my Mum's, Sunday began with torrential rain as I headed back to Edinburgh and the Pentlands for a navigation skills day with the Bank of Scotland's Hillwalking Club. Shuna, Moira, Crawford, Steve, Clare and Catherine and I navigated our way above the Hillend ski area thinking about the shape of the land, timing, a bit of pacing and more and we even managed to get "lost" at one point so we could think about what to do in that type of situation too! A couple of photos from the day above.
I'm off to Skye next for some fun in the Cuillins so Ron and I are getting the Talisman Basecamp motorhome out of hibernation after the winter. This seems to involve climbing too as Ron inspects the roof!